
I Love You (3) lagu fav (1) perasaan (38) TTC (43)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Planning for IUI

Following the previous entry...

Balik tu I and DH pun meeting la about the result and the next step as Dr suggested..

I pun tanya DH, "U sanggup ke nak buat kat hospital putrajaya?"..actually i dah tau dah jawapannya...since the last time masa kena buat HSA lagi...

Kekurangan Hospital Putrajaya adalah tak ada tempat atau bilik khas untuk para suami macam di LPPKN or hospital private or sesetengah hospital yang lain...DH has to do his "business" in the toilet...

DH: "Tak, they all tak de facilities tu lagi ke?"
Me :" Rasanya tak de lagi kot"
DH: "Then my answer is no..Im not going to use something from the toilet to make my babies...for test, ok." la...i pun setuju...we can accept that our baby making process have to be done in the lab; not through some lovey dovey stuff in a romantic and intimate situation, but to ask my DH to produce his in a toilet, that is something we cant least a proper and better room; not toilet...

Toilet is for you to poo and pee..even in Islam..tandas tu merupakan tempat yang kotor dan tempat yang disukai syaitan..

I think hospitals in Malaysia should look through about this matter for better service delivery in the future...
I am thinking to write a letter to the hospital or MOH but workload currently are out of hands...but im sure i will write to them about this least in the future it could benefits all TTC who seek treatment in the govt hospitals..

Sebenarnya, hati ini masih berbelah bagi sama ada nak continue atau tak..
And tiba2 plak AF pula dah menjelma semalam sebelum sempat buat keputusan...awal dari yang sepatutnya..maybe kesan Pregnyl bulan lepas kot...

So, the next alternative is to find other treatment centre kalau nak buat IUI jugak..

Tapi nak ke LPPKN sangat jauh di KL plus bila I call tanya, they answered yang I kena start from zero semula, means kena buat ujian darah HSG semua balik...that sounds frustraten to us..

2nd: PPUKM
Dah call juga, okay...cuma perlu dapatkan referal letter dari hospital putrajaya dan bawa  semua laporan perubatan ke PPUKM untuk dapatkan tarikh temujanji...sounds better..

Tapi masalahnya adalah hari ni dah D2...memang la tak sempat kan kalau nak buat appointment untuk IUI kat PPUKM for this cycle... to skip this cycle...

Oh ya, kenapa saya tak ke private hospital je?
Jawapannya, saya kurang berkemampuan buat masa sekarang...
Jadi, saya usaha setakat kemampuan diri ini...
Insya allah...

So, ape a ticket, lets fly...


  1. Honeylily,
    Saya rasa awak boleh rujuk LPPKN. Jika semua test tu kurang dari 6 bulan mgkn diaorg tak repeat balik dan mgkn boleh guna result tersebut.

    Di LPPKN sy hanya buat blood test & semen shj..HSG tak perlu buat..doc guna x ray yg terdahulu. HSG x ray sy buat pada thn 2010. Blh diterima.

    Cuba la bertanya..

  2. Assalam...Honelily...
    kenapa x stay kat hotel yg bedekatan dgn putrajaya hosp.... srh ur husband produce kat hotel n send tu lab asap... rasanya xde masalah..asalkan not more than 30 minutes... kat hsptl mmg xde kemudhan tu... all e best...(nkh)

    1. tq for the idea..nape la tak terfikir awal2 kan...will try to discuss n consult with dr later...TQVM
