
I Love You (3) lagu fav (1) perasaan (38) TTC (43)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Semalam adalah follow up check up..Seperti cadangan Dr, suppose this cycle nak proceed with IUI..

And me and hubby had discussed it over and over about this matter but hubby is refused to do it in the toilet..
And i have to respect his decision as this is our journey together not only mine..
So we have discussed a few options such as 
1) do it at home/nearest hotel and send it to the hospital..
2) try to do it in other hospitals...

Yesterday results,
i have three - four follicles on the right ovary...better than previous months result yang cuma ada 1-2-tak ada langsung...(tihihihi..tetiba berangan nak twins, boleh?), left-null..

So Dr kata boleh la nak proceed IUI as been planned. So i asked whether it is possible that my hubby do "it" at home and send it here. Ok, the idea was rejected totally as she said," Nanti sampai sini, semua dah mati mcm ada patient tu, nanti waste je"...


But she said it is up to is our decision. She suggested that we try naturally again sebab kalau nak buat kat tempat lain, boleh but not this month..."IUI is just a shortcut procedure to help sperms increased the chances to meet ovum"...


And she also advised me to try using ovulution kit starts saturday until tuesday so that we can planned the BD more accurately...if still negative on Sunday, then i have to come back again for the Hcg injection on Sunday night...

Ok Dr..tq for ur advises...

Oh ya, about my cyst...Dr said nothing to worry, (maybe one of the four follicles is my cyst but the size is not   worrying..

And i did asked about special treatment room for hubbies...
One of the Senior Dr mentioned that they are planning to do the renovation for that facilities soon...
Glad to hear that..but Im not sure when or how soon is soon..but at least they have starting doing something about it that could benefit us in the future..

Now, nak g cari Ovulution Kit kat farmasi....

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