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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Why an Untreated Eating Disorder Might Keep You from Having Children

Read the full article here:

Timing sex during ovulation is obviously the key to getting pregnant. Irregular and absent menstrual periods make it hard to predict ovulation-if you're ovulating at all. According to the Eating Recovery Center, an international center that provides treatment for eating disorders, one survey of women attending a fertility clinic with absent or irregular periods showed that 58 percent had an eating disorder. Another study showed that of women with unexplained infertility who restricted calories, even if they didn't meet the criteria for an eating disorder diagnosis, 73 percent conceived when they increased caloric intake and body weight. 
Even with the clear connection between an eating disorder and an inability to conceive, women often hide disordered eating behaviors from their doctors and fertility specialists, says Ken Weiner, founding partner and CEO of Eating Recovery Center. Here are just a few things you should know if you're struggling with an eating disorder while wanting to conceive.
3 Things to Know About Eating Disorders and Fertility
1. Watch for triggers. While women try to be healthier by making changes to diet and exercise, if women have a family or personal history of eating disorders, these changes could trigger disordered eating behaviors for those with a predisposition toward the development of an eating disorder. Always check with your doctor before changing diet and exercise routines.
2. Disordered eating can affect fertility even if you're a normal weight. You don't have to have experienced major weight loss or be very low weight for irregular or absent periods to occur. While not all irregular or absent periods are caused by diet, weight or exercise, behaviors related to eating and exercise can impact the cycles, contributing to fertility challenges.
3. Talk to your doctor - honestly. Concerns and questions about the impact of diet and exercise on fertility should be directed to your OBGYN, fertility specialist or trusted doctor. Likewise, if you have concerns about your own eating and exercise behaviors, let your doctor in on your concerns. In addition to infertility and trouble conceiving, active eating disorders can also contribute to miscarriage and other complications for mother and child once conception does occur.
Because eating disorders impact not only the health of the mother but the health of the child as well, eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors deserve attention and support. Know the signs and symptoms of eating disorders so you can recognize the behaviors and urge those affected to get the help they need.

-By Erin Whitehead 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

No miracles this cycle

Miss P datang exactly on CD30..huhu..
Never failed to show up on time...
So miracles this month..
Tak sempat pun nak delay period and test upt..

Suppose kena datang on CD2 untuk amik clomid..
Tapi bila fikir bulan ni bulan Ramadan..
So, i cancel je la..
Tunggu next cycle after raya...

Untuk cuba IUI kali kedua...
Insya allah...

Tak tau la nak cakap apa..
Biasa-biasa je..
Sebab Miss P datang on time...
Tak sempat nak bubble bubble...
Lain la kalau delay even sehari pun...

Kita cuba lagi nanti ye!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pengalaman pertama IUI

1st Day menses for this cycle fall on 18 Jun 2013..
So, start hari kedua hingga keenam amik Clomid 150mg yang Dr dah bekalkan dari cycle bulan lepas.. Disebabkan cycle lepas my folli tak membesar dengan cantik, so dah increase from 100mg to 150mg

Day 9 - FT di Hospital Putrajaya, ada 1 folli 11x12mm
Day 11- FT, 15x17mm
Day 14 -18x22mm and Dr mention that it is good enough and can proceed with IUI..masa tu rasa excited sangat and gembira juga...

9.30 pm on 1 July 2013 - cucuk Pregnyl 10,000iu (ubat dibekalkan oleh Hospital Putrajaya tapi i pegi cucuk di Klinik area tempat tinggal je sebab malas nak ke HPj malam tu). Ubat RM93.00 (free sebab ada GL) dan RM10 kos cucuk kat klinik ..

9.00 am 2 July 2013 - Lapor diri di Pusat Bersalin Berisiko Rendah Presint 8 Putrajaya untuk sesi kaunseling IUI
Sekarang ni semua proses HSA dan IUI buat kat sini..suka sangat dengan environment nya yang sangat home-feeling..and the staffs sangat friendly..kalau bersalin kat sini mesti best sebab macam tenang je and ward pun macam bilik kat rumah.

Untuk sesi ini, me and hubby were consulted by MA Joe..rasanya En. Joe sangat famous kat O&G Putrajaya...sangat expert dengan bidang fertility ni..kalau untuk amik darah, HSA, IUI semua dia yang akan consult..And from the report yang Dr sediakan i found out something from MA Joe yang i ni ada anteverted uterus..means my uterus dalam kedudukan terkehadapan sedikit daripada kedudukan normal yang menyebabkan sperms susah nak masuuk..tapi DR yang check up sebelum-sebelum ni tak pernah inform pun..the only problem i know is that i only have one tube..but hes said that it is not a big problem...

Not only that, he explains the process in very details..what need to be done tomorrow, how the procedure will be done, what next...he also consult us the proper position to BD for anteverted uterus so that the chances to get pregnant is higher..very detail siap lukis gambarajah lagi..hehe..tapi nak baby punya pasal buangkan tebal muka DH pun nampak selamba je. In fact dye plak yang banyak tanya..Other than that, dye advise hubby to take milk chocolate, bendi or terung as it can increase the quality and quantity of sperms..

9.45 am 3 July 2013
Sesi kami adalah yang kedua. Sampai  PBBR, terus diarahkan ke bilik spermatorium..bilik master bed room yang kemas, bersih sebab everything pun warna putih, siap ada katil and sofa..Alhamdulillah, sebab MOH dah sediakan tempat yang sebegini cantik untuk prosedur fertility ni. Wife boleh masuk sekali untuk bantu hubby. Nurse explain cara-cara  untuk kumpulkan sperm..huhu..then sementara nak tunggu sperm washing tu, kami keluar breakfast dulu...after satu jam setengah around 11.30 datang balik ke klinik untuk next process...

Masuk dalam bilik prosedur, nervous gak...tapi hubby sempat kiss and say good luck..
For me, the process was done dengan sangat cepat...dalam 15 minit je macam tu..alhamdulillah...Dr kata, patient ni (I lah tu) senang nak masuk compare patient sebelum ni (1st patient pagi tadi)..tak sakit macam masa buat HSG dulu, rasa senak sikit je dengan speculum tu..Lepas tu, kena baring dalam masa setengah jam dengan kedudukan kaki bengkok menegak dan kepala lebih rendah dari punggung (yang ni diselaraskan oleh katil tu)..masa menunggu setengah jam ni hubby dibenarkan masuk untuk temankan kita...masa ni dah mula berangan-angan dengan hubby...

Alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan lancar dan mudah..dari urusan hubby hingga lah ke urusan untuk I..
Since i punya procedure tamat around 1pm, so dapat MC for that day. dan dibekalkan ubat Duphaston untuk kuatkan rahim dan folic asid. Dapat 2 upt free untuk check selepas hari ke-14 nanti. Kalau positive kena datang balik ke PBBR untuk check up darah etc. kalau negative...well, kalau negative kena start all over again lah..but hopefully biarlah 1st and last..selain ubat, kena "prescribe" supaya BD 3 hari berturut-turut untuk support the procedure..

Apa yang I rasa dalam cycle ni?
1. I kerap buang air kecil..
2. Dan start masa hari 10-11 tu rasa kembung perut dan senak...

Ya Allah,
berkatilah usaha-usaha kami pada bulan ini..
dan kurniakanlah kami anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah..
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin..

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

First Attempt to IUI

Insya allah esok akan buat proses IUI..

Harap-harap biarlah ini yang pertama dan terakhir...

Alhamdulillah juga sebab bulan ni my ovum membesar bagai juara...

Dan boleh proceed IUI...

Nervous pun ada...

Seronok pun ada...

Tadi siang kena attend sesi prosedur counselling...

And the Dr tu pun sangat sporting...

After explain semua proses yang kami akan go through esok, mula borak-borak santai...

Dia kata actually dye pun patient juga...dah lapan tahun kahwin..still menunggu...

Dah 3 kali wat IUI..buat sendiri...(untung la dapat husband gynae)..hahaha...

Selain tu, ada gak dye bagi formula cara-cara nak bersama...untuk different problems ada different position..

Then dye cerita juga tentang anak angkat..prosedur..dll..

Dye tanya juga macam mana we handle dengan orang sekeliling...

Paling teruk dye pernah kena dengan sorang makcik tu kata mandul... gak bila dapat gynae yang TTC ni..

Dapat extra kaunseling F.O.C...

Apa pun...

Semoga dipermudahkan urusan esok...

Dan semoga ada keberkatan menjelang Ramadhan tahun ini...

Insya allah...dengan izin-Nya juga..